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Answering The Big Questions

Where Did We Come From?

We started out as single cell amoeba and evolved into what we are today.

Sommerians believe in evolution. We don’t believe in goddesses or gods so the idea that some great being in the sky created us is ridiculous.

Modern humans came from black people on the continent of Africa. Humans migrated all over the world and continue to migrate to different parts even today. Genetic mutations, environment and culture make us look different from each other but we all come from one source.

Sommerians believe in facts, not fairytales or fiction. Everything in nature can be proven through observation. Once something is proven, it can be questioned, it can be investigated and conclusions can be drawn.

We come from nature. We evolved from natural sources. There is no mystery. There is no magic.

Why Are We Here?

Why are we here is one of the great questions asked throughout the ages. Is there a purpose to us existing?

We exist because of loneliness. A single celled amoeba didn’t want to be alone so it divided into two. It had company. That new amoeba divided and it continued on and on until we were created.

Everyone wants some great purpose to life. They want to hear that a god or goddess created them and that there is a reason for their existence. Well, there are no gods and there is no great purpose to existence. We exist because the first sentient being didn’t want to be alone. That being was selfish enough to create another being. Then the new being created another and it continued right down to your parents making the decision to create you.

All creation is selfish. All creation exists for the creator, not the created because those who were created had no say in their creation. If you want to know why you exist, ask your parents. Why did they create you? Why did they pull you out of the aether and bring you here? Lonliness? Pressure to procreate? There was no access to abortion? To create a legacy? To pass on their genes? Ask them.

We all exist because two people decided to have intercourse and create another human being. That’s it. There is no great purpose to our existence. It all started with loneliness and it continues because of selfishness. That’s why we are here.

Is This Life All There Is Or Is There Something More?

This life is all there is. There is nothing more.

It is scary to think that there may not be anything after this. We are programmed to want to live and absolute death is very scary for most people.

Everyone is afraid of death. Is it because we aren’t made comfortable with death? How many people have seen a dead body? Examined it? Seen that humn beings are just meat, like dead animals?

We are taught to be afraid of death, to be angry at death and to fight death. We are definitely not taught to accept death, to embrace it and to see it as a gift.

If there is life after death would it not be the same as the life we have now? Death doesn’t change us. We would still be who we are, we’ve just changed locations. What would be the point of that? Isn’t it better to just die for good?

Good news is that energy can never be created or destroyed. It always exists. We are energy. We always were and we always will be. The better question to ask instead of where are we going after death is, where were we before we came here? Can we not assume that we will return to where we were before?

Don’t ask is there life after death. Instead, ask, is there death before life? That is the more important question. Remember where you were and you will know where you will be.

Is There Any Hope For Us?

Yes there is hope for us but human beings are lazy. They don’t want to put in the work it requires to build a better world. They prefer to believe in a god that will destroy us all and start again. Rather than do something, they’re waiting for their god to return and save them. Even their god is lazy. He is supposed to be all powerful but instead of using his mighty powers to fix us, he’s just waiting to come destroy us all.

Sommerians believe in action - not prayer. We believe in tackling the root of a problem, not the symptoms. Solving the symptoms is like putting paint on a rotting house so you don’t see the rot anymore.

In order to fix things we have to ask questions. What is the problem? How can it be fixed? Is the solution working? Are we part of the problem? Are there others who can do a better job than we can? Are there those who have solved the problem before and will they help us? Is this a symptom of a deeper problem or is this the root cause?

Problem solving requires intelligence. Is what we’re doing working? Is the person or situation getting better? What do we need to change? Also we must ask, are there those who do not want the problem solved? How does the problem benefit them?

We must always hope but we cannot change things with hope alone. We always have to do something to make change.

Is there hope for us? Yes there is but only if YOU are willing to do something to make that change happen.

About Us

An online women run religion whose goal is to stop suffering in the world for all living things. It is women focused and women run.

Our Mission

The mission of The Sommerians is to empower women. We will do that by educating women on how to take control of their lives. Our vision for the future is a world run by women in which everyone lives in peace and no sentient being is suffering.

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